Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More kitchen pics

The kitchen is still the same although we've stripped more of the lino.

Three layers of floor (not including floor boards)

Scraping lino and glue from the floors. These will be sanded soon and then pulled up. The boards will be used to build decking out the front and 'fake' floors installed. The house really needs restumping but we are going to do it ourselves (yes, im saying my prayers). Only way for us to do it is to lift the floor and jack it up that way. The floor boards have dropped so has to be done either way.


You can see Andrew in this pic and the one above so that might give some indication of the size of the room (small). The window in the dining area will be made into a door and the outside area paved and a bit of waterproof cover put there. The framework is already there with shade cloth. That area used to be a lovely fernery but is now a lovely weedery (you can see ivy growing up a pole) and is a waste of space.


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